Whereas Kenya constitution 2010 spells out measures on child protection, millions of children in Kenya and around the worldwide – from all socio-economic backgrounds, across all ages, religions and cultures – experience one form or the other of abuse every day. Children are still exposed to violence, harmful practices, lack of parental care and sexual exploitation among others. The risks are more aggravated during emergencies such as floods and drought, domestic violence among others.
Child Protection and Development Centres (CPDCs)

MCF operates Child Protection and Development Centres (CPDCs) that offer care and protection to vulnerable children and youth. We receive rescued children, rehabilitate them and reintegrate them into society. Children accessing care and protection are provided with shelter, food and nutrition, parental love, psychosocial support, spiritual guidance, career mentorship and education among other critical services good for growth and development. The CPDCs are also incubation units for talent identification, nurturing and development.
Our residential CPDCs are:
- MCF Eldoret
- MCF Ndalani
- MCF Yatta
- MCF Malindi
- MCF Mwanza (Tanzania).
Our non-residential CPDCs are:
- MCF Vipingo
- MCF Kipsongo
- MCF Lodwar
- MCF Dar es Salaam
- Dr. Charles Mulli Secondary School.
MCF is working with the government of Kenya, county governments, community organisations and groups to increase child protection in Kenya and beyond through advocacy, sensitization and capacity building training among other prevention programs.