Defilement, Female Genital Mutilation, child marriage, child neglect and abandonment are among the worst forms of Child abuse in Kenya. Despite the concerted efforts by several stakeholders, many children and vulnerable women continue to face untold suffering. Social justice and advocacy is a programme that creates both sustained awareness as well as society preventive measures against gender-based abuses. Child protection entails a host of several interventions in the community. This prevention mechanism focuses on initiating and implementing projects that eventually reduce the vulnerability of children at the community level.
MCF appreciates and collaborates with several agencies in creating sustained awareness, facilitation of access to justice for victims of abuse and support to the vulnerable population. We do so through;
- Training of police officers and community policing units on; Children rights and their application; juvenile judicial process and its impact on service delivery; child protection processes and procedures in Kenya; dealing with the vulnerable population with less resources among others.
- Establishing and furnishing child/gender protection desk in police stations.
- Use of public or organized forums to create sustained awareness on Gender-based violence in Kenya.